Category: Uncategorized
Setting the date/time in macOS (10.14+) recovery mode
Back in ye olde days, you used to be able to run ntpdate -u to update the date/time automatically in recovery mode, but Apple removed ntpdate in Mojave. In regular bootup, you can run sntp -sS and may get an error like kod_init_kod_db(): Cannot open KoD db file /var/db/ntp-kod: No such file or…
TCC in Mojave doesn’t prevent deleting local folders for AD-bound Macs
Note: We’re currently using a setup of Force local home directory on startup disk for AD-bound Macs instead of Create mobile account at login or Use UNC path from Active Directory to derive network home location—so if you’re using either of those other options, your mileage may vary—definitely do some testing! This is also as…
Google Forms preview gives “resource unavailable” error message
We had a situation in which someone created a Google Form and the preview for it would always come up with a resource unavailable error. This wouldn’t happen for any other form. And it wouldn’t happen on another computer. Clearing the cache didn’t fix it, but clearing just Google cookies did fix it. Something definitely…
Changing the boot order on a VM in vSphere
If you want to change the boot order on a virtual machine in vSphere, it’s not a setting in the vSphere interface. You have to force it to bring up the BIOS menu, and then change the order in the BIOS once you’ve booted up the VM. Go to Edit Settings > Options > Advanced…
Let’s Encrypt certificate “expired” even though it’s not?
One of our servers (Ubuntu 18.04 with Nginx) is using Let’s Encrypt‘s certbot to renew its SSL certificate regularly via script. Recently, it reported in web browsers as having an expired certificate. When I ran certbot renew it showed as having the certificate set to expire months from now. Just on a lark, I rebooted…
Using GAM to delete erroneously sent emails
Sometimes someone sends an email and wants to unsend it. It doesn’t happen very often, and usually there isn’t much you can do about if the email has been sent to an external recipient. If your organization uses G-Suite, though, you can delete internally sent emails. Just be careful. And also know that it’s still…
Dealing with iCloud accounts on DEP-enrolled iOS devices
I’m not sure how many other schools deal with this, but we found out something rather curious the other day, and it’s been confirmed by Mosyle (our MDM) and a couple of folks on the MacAdmins Slack. My understanding was that a DEP-enrolled MDM’ed iOS device would not allow an iCloud account (regular Apple ID,…
Referencing a PHP variable by using another variable as part of the name
This is kind of a niche scenario, but when you Google making a variable from another variable php, most of the examples involve using a double dollar sign, which may not be what you want to do. Yes, whenever possible, it makes sense to use arrays instead of weirdly-constructed variable names, but that may depend…
Word 2016 in Windows printing embedded images zoomed in and cropped
One Windows user ran into an issue in which embedded images in a Word document would appear fine in the print preview but then would print zoomed in and cropped. In other words, the area on the printed document where the image should be is the same size as the image should be but only…
What’s the password for the guest account on macOS?
If you enabled the guest account on macOS, you probably want to have Display login window as be List of users (instead of Name and password). That way, the guest sees the guest account is available and clicks on it, and then it logs into the guest account. If, however, you do have Name and…
Getting osTicket to schedule ticket creation from emails
If you go to Admin Panel > Emails > Settings > Incoming Emails, right now (as of release 1.10.4—the latest stable release as of this writing), you’ll see something called Fetch on auto-cron, which isn’t super useful, because it will fetch emails only if an agent is logged into osTicket. There is an external scheduler…
MathType formulas shrink after editing and saving them in Microsoft Word
March 2019 Update: WIRIS has now announced a workaround for randomly resized equations. I don’t know for sure that that’s exactly the same problem as the shrinking formulas, but it could be. Definitely worth checking out if you’re experiencing this issue. One teacher had an issue in MathType that involved saved formulas in a Word…
Using Santa to block macOS upgrades
In the past, I’d used a fake installer approach to stop users from upgrading to the newest macOS version. But with macOS 10.14 (Mojave), I started blocking using Santa (see Using Santa to block an .app for more details on general Santa use). It’s likely this Santa-blocking approach also works for High Sierra and Sierra…
Activating Geometer’s Sketchpad in macOS 10.13.6 (and beyond?)
The officially sanctioned way to license GSP5 for Macs was still working even as of 10.13.5. It certainly was working in 10.12. Unfortunately, with 10.13.6—unless you had an already activated GSP when you upgraded to 10.13.6 from 10.13.5 or earlier—you might get error messages like usage: Sketchpad_Executable -license (register | deregister) -name LicenseName -code AuthorizationCode…