Tag: ffmpeg

  • Using ffmpeg to trim video

    No real tutorial here, just a link to a great resource on this via Stack Overflow: Cutting the videos based on start and end time using ffmpeg Cutting with ffmpeg takes a lot less longer than rendering out via iMovie, and it results in a similarly sized output file instead of a giant one P.S.…

  • Bulk-extracting and combining audio from .mov to .mp3

    If you aren’t able to use an audio recording app on your iPad for whatever reason and need to resort to using the Camera app to record audio (long story), you will get a bunch of .MOV files. So I wrote up a script that employs ffmpeg to extract just the audio from each file…

  • Fixing ffmpeg for Munki (allowUntrusted)

    Apparently the version of ffmpeg that the Audacity Team wants you to install for Audacity has an invalid or expired signature, which now prevents Munki from installing it. The best solution (workaround) I’ve found is (author of Munki) Greg Neagle’s own: FIXING PACKAGES WITH EXPIRED SIGNATURES