Tag: google drive
Google Forms preview gives “resource unavailable” error message
We had a situation in which someone created a Google Form and the preview for it would always come up with a resource unavailable error. This wouldn’t happen for any other form. And it wouldn’t happen on another computer. Clearing the cache didn’t fix it, but clearing just Google cookies did fix it. Something definitely…
Fix for Google Sheets error message: “Can’t save your changes. Copy any recent changes, then revert to an earlier revision”
If you come across a message that Google Sheets can’t save your sheets and you need to revert to an earlier version, but even the earlier version can’t save, don’t bother doing any of these suggested steps. Clearing cookies won’t help. Disabling extensions won’t help. Instead, try this (as counterintuitive as it seems): copy and…
Google Drive “low space, can’t sync” in selective sync
I recently ran into a weird situation in which the Google Drive desktop app was complaining about there not being enough space to add a folder to my selective sync options. It made no sense. I had at least 100 GB of free space on my drive, and I wanted to additionally sync only another…
When shared VideoNot.es files show up blank
Can’t say this will be the fix every time, but if you use Google Drive to share VideoNot.es with others and the shared notes show up blank, it’s likely that you didn’t save the notes before sharing. People can get used to Google Docs autosaving documents as you type (almost in real time) and forget…