Tag: jquery

  • PowerSchool Custom Pages Exporting Tables to .csv Using jQuery

    Someone on Stack Overflow made a jsfiddle to export existing HTML tables to .csv using jQuery. It does not, however, translate directly to PowerSchool custom pages, because PowerSchool has its own implementation of jQuery that’s a little funky. I’ve done a little playing around with it, and this tweaked code seems to work. For the…

  • Getting GPA methods into a PowerSchool custom page that uses tlist_sql

    Acknowledgements: the actual genius of this workaround approach (including the important snippets of code) is from Adam L. on the PowerSource forums (you can search the forums for a thread entitled “tlist_sql and GPA methods”). I find ~[tlist_sql] handy for doing reports out of PowerSchool, because it’s transparent (someone can look directly at the page…

  • Making PowerSchool custom pages useful for sophisticated reporting

    If you don’t want to use PDO on a WAMP server to connect to and report from your PowerSchool database, you may still want to do some sophisticated reporting from PowerSchool’s custom pages. Unfortunately, custom pages is a bit of a coarse tool that’s also not well documented (in terms of sophisticated reporting—simple reporting has…