Tag: munki-enroll

  • Scripting manifest creation in Munki

    If you’re new to Munki, you probably have an entire fleet of Macs you have to manage. It could be hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands. You’re not going to enroll those all by hand, are you? But please be intentional about how you structure things. Before you run off scripting, read Another opinionated guide…

  • Terminal command to get the full name of a Mac user

    Munki-Enroll is a great little script combo that automatically changes the ClientIdentifier for Munki clients and then automatically creates a corresponding manifest on the Munki server that includes the old manifest. I wanted to tweak it quite a bit to fit some of the quirks of how our organization does Munki client manifests, so I…

  • Automatically enroll or bulk-enroll Munki clients in individual manifests

    You may manage your Munki clients using a general manifest (e.g., support_staff), but you sometimes want some more control over also managing installations for individual users without always specifying the serial number as a condition in a manifest. The most popular tool for this is Munki Enroll, which automatically creates individual manifests with the larger…