Tag: nopkg

  • Using Munki to ignore Catalina upgrade in macOS

    Update: Apple has deprecated the –ignore flag, so this probably will never work again. Apple used to make you go out of your way to download an OS upgrade. Then, Apple started having those OS upgrade installers auto-download to the /Applications folder. Then Apple made it so OS upgrades appeared as regular updates. For Mac…

  • Using Munki to rename computers based on manifest display name, user, or notes

    There may be some Mac admins who don’t really care that much about computer names. After all, especially if the computer isn’t joined to the domain (many of our machines are not), what does it matter? It’s the name that will show up in Sharing or in the Terminal.app few users use. If you do…

  • Changing client computer names using a Munki nopkg

    In Another opinionated guide to Munki manifests, I said one of the benefits of having no ClientIdentifier and using serial numbers as manifests was not having to manually change preferences on the machine if you repurpose it. What if you want the machine name to change, though? It used to be something like Basketball01, and…

  • Creating a Munki nopkg for Remote Management

    When are nopkg items in Munki appropriate? Greg Neagle (author of and primary developer on Munki) makes a good point that in most cases, a real .pkg (instead of a nopkg) is the best choice, because of versioning and receipts. One thing that nopkg items in Munki are good for, though, is checking to make…