Tag: optional installs
Python 3 script to add optional installs to the SelfServeManifest
Two years ago, I wrote a bash script that adds a bunch of optional installs to the SelfServeManifest using /usr/libexec/PlistBuddy, which is a fine tool, but it can get bit messy sometimes. I did play around with using /usr/local/munki/manifestutil, but it got a bit convoluted, and I figured “Hey, why not just write it in…
Bash script to add optional installs for Munki
In Terminal command to mark a Munki optional install for installation, I showed a one-off command to mark a Munki optional install item for installation. What if you want to do it in bulk, though? For example, if you’re scripting a thin image to install some software by default, but you want the option for…
Installing an optional install when logout/reboot items are pending in Managed Software Center
What’s the issue? If all your updates are up-to-date in Managed Software Center, when you select an optional install to install, it will install in the background and be ready to use almost immediately. If, however, you have some pending updates that require a logout or reboot, your optional install (even an unattended install) won’t…