Tag: php

  • Referencing a PHP variable by using another variable as part of the name

    This is kind of a niche scenario, but when you Google making a variable from another variable php, most of the examples involve using a double dollar sign, which may not be what you want to do. Yes, whenever possible, it makes sense to use arrays instead of weirdly-constructed variable names, but that may depend…

  • Configuring Sendmail for Gmail on a WAMP server

    If you have a WAMP server and want to send email via PHP’s mail() function, a quick way to do so is with fake sendmail for Windows. Create a directory on your WAMP server for C:\usr\lib and put both the sendmail.exe and sendmail.ini files in there. Edit the sendmail.ini file as below (filling in your…

  • Using PDO on a WAMP server to run PHP reports from PowerSchool

    SQL Developer Queries General ODBC Access 🙁 WAMP and PDO Prerequisites Strongly Consider Using SSL Install Drivers Use PDO to Connect to Database This may be a niche setup, but I’m going to try to document it here, in case anyone else is interested in how this gets done. SQL Developer Queries If you are…