Tag: recovery partition

  • Using Munki to make sure Macs have a recovery partition

    If you’re using Munki and you have Macs you want recovery partitions on (they’re on there by default, but you may have accidentally deleted a recovery partition by reformatting the entire drive instead of just the main partition), here’s one way you can approach it. First, definitely use Create Recovery Partition Installer to create the…

  • Recreating a deleted recovery partition on a Mac

    Important update: Lately I’ve been having issues with CreateRecoveryPartitionInstaller creating an empty (unusable) recovery partition. I’m not the only one experiencing it, but the problem also doesn’t seem to be universal.. If you’re not getting this tutorial below to work for you, you might want to try this less elegant workaround that totally did work…

  • Restoring a deleted recovery partition on a Mac

    Update This is only one method to restore the missing recovery partition. Check out Recreating a deleted recovery partition on a Mac for another method. The Missing Recovery Partition Problem I don’t actually know how a recovery partition gets deleted, but I’ve come across a few Macs with the partition deleted, and I’ve been looking…