Tag: sql developer

  • PowerSchool tlist_sql fails but SQL Developer query is fine

    Full props to Romy from the PowerSource forums for helping me sleuth a problem with a query working just fine in SQL Developer but then failing (with a blank-loaded page) in tlist_sql on a PowerSchool custom page. Basically, a colon, even within quotation marks, messes up the query within tlist_sql, so I had to use…

  • Using PDO on a WAMP server to run PHP reports from PowerSchool

    SQL Developer Queries General ODBC Access 🙁 WAMP and PDO Prerequisites Strongly Consider Using SSL Install Drivers Use PDO to Connect to Database This may be a niche setup, but I’m going to try to document it here, in case anyone else is interested in how this gets done. SQL Developer Queries If you are…