Tag: ssh
Scripting SSH off/on without needing a PPPC/TCC profile
You used to be able to use /usr/sbin/systemsetup -f -setremotelogin off or /usr/sbin/systemsetup -f -setremotelogin on to script disabling or enabling SSH on macOS. Now that macOS has Privacy Preferences Policy Control, which needs a profile delivered by a user-approved MDM, you may get this error: setremotelogin: Turning Remote Login on or off requires Full…
Enable SSH for only one user via command line
If you want to enable SSH for only one user using the command line on a Mac, run these three commands: Make sure the group exists sudo /usr/sbin/dseditgroup -o create -q com.apple.access_ssh Add user username to the group sudo /usr/sbin/dseditgroup -o edit -a username -t user com.apple.access_ssh Turn remote login on sudo /usr/sbin/systemsetup -setremotelogin on…
Configure Mac Remote Management from the Terminal
On a Mac, if you want to remotely manage the client machine using ARD (Apple Remote Desktop), you can go to System Preferences > Sharing > Remote Management. What if you want to configure a user to remotely manage the machine but you have only SSH access (or you want to run a script instead…
Authentication failed on changing admin accounts for ARD machine
I encountered an odd thing. I had ARD set to remote into a few workstations. I was doing some account cleanup on them and changed the admin accounts. In System Preferences Sharing, I still had it that all admins could remote in, but after deleting an admin account and adding a new one, I couldn’t…