Tag: tcc

  • Allowing Outset-run scripts to have access to user folders

    Because of TCC/PPPC, which Apple introduced in macOS 10.14, scripts and applications have to ask for permissions to do certain things, especially things like reading user home directory files. If you have an Outset login script that tries to access something in the home directory, you may find in the ~/Library/Logs/outset.log that you get a…

  • Double-checking details of deployed PPPC/TCC profile from MDM

    If you’ve deployed a PPPC/TCC profile from your user-approved MDM to a Mac, and you see the profile in System Preferences > Profiles, you can also verify all the details of the deployed profile on the Mac itself by going to /Library/Application Support/com.apple.TCC/MDMOverrides.plist (which is an SIP-protected directory, by the way).