Tag: vmware fusion
Ensure your VMware Fusion Macs enroll in Jamf as Computers, not Devices
It used to be that you could create a VMware Fusion virtual machine Mac, enroll it in Jamf (either by spoofing the serial number for Automated Device Enrollment or just using an auto-generated VM serial for manual enrollment). Recently (not sure when, exactly), you may have noticed if you try to enroll a VMware Fusion…
How to install macOS 12 (Monterey) as a VMware Fusion guest VM
Notes These are just more fleshed out steps from a brief overview in the VMware Fusion communities online forums. Hopefully, these instructions will be obsolete soon in a future update of VMware Fusion (where you can just select macOS 12, drag the installer to the install wizard, and have VMware Fusion do everything for you).…
Installing macOS in VMware Fusion
Introduction It’s not that difficult to install a macOS guest VM on a macOS host using VMware Fusion and personal (non-enterprise) licenses for VMware Fusion are now cost-free. But here are the actual steps. Get the installer Method 1 There’s a way built into macOS to get the installer using the softwareupdate –fetch-full-installer command in…