Tag: vpn

  • Using PDO on a WAMP server to run PHP reports from PowerSchool

    SQL Developer Queries General ODBC Access 🙁 WAMP and PDO Prerequisites Strongly Consider Using SSL Install Drivers Use PDO to Connect to Database This may be a niche setup, but I’m going to try to document it here, in case anyone else is interested in how this gets done. SQL Developer Queries If you are…

  • Preparing SonicWALL Mobile Connect for Munki

    I’ve found NetExtender (Packaging NetExtender for Munki) to be a little less buggy than SonicWALL Mobile Connect, but NetExtender is pretty much non-functioning in El Capitan, so I’m looking at possibly deploying SonicWALL Mobile Connect in the future. The import process into Munki for the .app is fairly straightforward. You install SonicWALL Mobile Connect from…

  • Packaging NetExtender for Munki

    Disclaimer The following tutorial is based on and works for NetExtender version 7.5.774 for Mac. Your mileage may vary for other versions. Why does NetExtender need a Munki-fied “update”? The actual NetExtender application doesn’t need anything special for Munki. You can do a regular munkiimport on the .dmg file, and it’ll go in just fine…