Minimal bootstrapping with Munki

If you are using Munki to manage your Mac fleet’s software installs, you may want to leverage bootstrapping, wherein Munki, at the login window, keeps installing items, rebooting as necessary, installing more items, and rebooting more if necessary… until all the items are installed.

If your infrastructure for this is sophisticated, you may already be using InstallApplications or Setup Your Mac, or you may be leveraging your own custom implementation of swiftDialog or DEPNotify.

But what if you don’t want a fancy “We’re setting up your Mac” dialogue for your users, and you just want to install Munki and start bootstrapping?

Well, I don’t use these myself, but I’m hoping you may find one of these two projects helpful, then:

  • Munki Minimal Bootstrap Package: a custom package that you have to sign with your Apple Developer signing cert, but it basically just installs Munki, checks that the SoftwareRepoURL is present (by your MDM’s configuration profile presumably), sets Munki to bootstrap mode, and then logs the user out.
  • Munki Minimal Bootstrap Script: if you don’t have an Apple Developer signing cert but you do have an MDM that can run arbitrary scripts at MDM enrollment, you can use this script to download the Munki installer, verify it didn’t get corrupted during download, and then do the same check for SoftwareRepoURL, same bootstrap mode set, and same logout as the package above does.

Obviously, these may not do exactly what you want out of the box, but they’re open source, so feel free to tweak, fork, etc.






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