Tag: dep

  • Some basics on switching from DEPNotify to swiftDialog

    DEPNotify is a program that allows you to display a little progress screen while a Mac is getting set up via MDM and/or Munki (or some other scripts). Even though there aren’t any major security issues (as of this writing) with DEPNotify, it’s also not being maintained, and it’s currently (again, as of this writing)…

  • Enrolling with management server failed with 500 status

    This isn’t a comprehensive “if you get this, these are all the solutions” post. This is more of a “this worked for me, and it may work for you, too” post. If you’re using sudo profiles renew -type enrollment to enroll a Mac in your MDM via DEP (or “automated device enrollment”), you may get…

  • Dealing with iCloud accounts on DEP-enrolled iOS devices

    I’m not sure how many other schools deal with this, but we found out something rather curious the other day, and it’s been confirmed by Mosyle (our MDM) and a couple of folks on the MacAdmins Slack. My understanding was that a DEP-enrolled MDM’ed iOS device would not allow an iCloud account (regular Apple ID,…

  • When DEP nag won’t work but Setup Assistant will to enroll in your MDM

    Explanation Symptoms Workaround Automating Other Considerations Explanation The two-days-later update: after doing troubleshooting with our MDM, asking around to other Mac admins, Google searching, and creating an enterprise case with Apple, I finally got back a definitive answer from Apple, which is that this functionality is essentially broken in Sierra (10.12.6). They’re saying it should…