Tag: munkireport

  • UseAdditionalHttpHeaders preference for MunkiReport 5.8.0

    Extra preference to consider If you use authorization headers for your Mac clients to communicate with your MunkiReport server and are upgrading from MunkiReport 5.7.1 (which still uses Python 2) to MunkiReport 5.8.0 (which uses Python 3), be aware that there is an additional preference to set if you want your headers to be used:…

  • What I learned upgrading from MunkiReport 2 to MunkiReport 3

    The setup for the old (version 2) MunkiReport was fairly simple. You essentially just downloaded the folder to your web server. The setup for the new (version 3) MunkiReport has a bit more nuance to it. I had a lot of trouble setting it up, but thanks to some help from other Mac admins (special…

  • Using MySQL with MunkiReport

    By default, MunkiReport uses its own embedded sqlite database, which apparently isn’t as robust as MySQL (the sqlite website has more information on sqlite’s appropriate uses and limitations). If you are extremely unfamiliar with MySQL databases, you may want to just stick with the default sqlite database until you are. I have a basic tutorial…

  • Installing MunkiReport

    What is MunkiReport MunkiReport is a web-based reporting interface for Munki clients. It’s cool to deploy a bunch of Munki clients, but it’d be nice to know how many are out there, and any errors or pending installs there may be on those clients. If you haven’t set up your Munki server yet, do that…