Tag: oracle

  • Viewing test scores in a PowerSchool custom page

    By default, PowerSchool will show you a list of tests, and then you have to drill down into each test to get to the actual set of scores. There isn’t a way built into PowerSchool to view all the scores and subscores for a particular student. Previously, I’d created a custom page that fetched a…

  • Converting seconds to time in PowerSchool custom pages

    I know someone’s going to jump in here and tell me that PowerSchool’s custom pages have no problems with SQL statements but are just less forgiving of syntactical errors than SQL Developer is, but I couldn’t get any of the convert-seconds-to-time standard SQL approaches to work in a PowerSchool custom page using tlist_sql, even when…

  • PowerSchool custom pages and REGEXP_LIKE

    In general, if you test a SQL query in SQL Developer against your PowerSchool database, that same SQL query should work in a PowerSchool custom page using ~[tlist_sql][/tlist_sql]. It does not, however—I discovered just now—work if you include a REGEXP_LIKE as part of your query. Will work fine in SQL Developer… just not in a…

  • Getting GPA methods into a PowerSchool custom page that uses tlist_sql

    Acknowledgements: the actual genius of this workaround approach (including the important snippets of code) is from Adam L. on the PowerSource forums (you can search the forums for a thread entitled “tlist_sql and GPA methods”). I find ~[tlist_sql] handy for doing reports out of PowerSchool, because it’s transparent (someone can look directly at the page…