Using startosinstall to install a macOS upgrade with Munki

Update: The instructions below will be obsolete once Munki 3 is released. More details on the Munki 3 implementation can be found on the Munki wiki.

createOSXinstallPkg is a great project for making an Apple macOS installer into a .pkg you can deploy with Munki.

Apple did some things to break that process for 10.12.4. People are in the process of finding workarounds for it.

One option is to use the built-in startosinstall tool that comes with the installer bundle.

If you import the bundle into Munki, you’ll want to have both a preinstall_script and a postinstall_script.

The preinstall_script checks to make sure there aren’t other updates pending, since startosinstall will run its own reboot independent of Munki. The pending updates should be 1 (it’s the only 1) or 0 (it was part of a set of updates that did complete and then the pending updates cleared, and you’re trying again):


# Make sure there is only one pending update (this one)
pending_count=$(defaults read /Library/Preferences/ManagedInstalls PendingUpdateCount)

# If it’s 1 or 0, we’re good to go
if [ “$pending_count” == 1 ] || [ “$pending_count” == 0 ]; then

exit 0


# Otherwise, abort the installation
exit 1


The postinstall_script does the actual install:


sudo “/Applications/Install macOS” –applicationpath “/Applications/Install macOS” –agreetolicense –nointeraction

Just as you would with a normal OS upgrade item, you want the installs array to reflect the OS version (not the presence of the installer bundle in the /Applications folder), and you want to mark this as an Apple item. (Check the Munki wiki for more details about those two things.)

P.S. There is now a recommendation on the createOSXinstallPkg README to upgrade using 10.12.3 or investigate using startosinstall.

P.P.S It’s possible, instead of my funky workaround with the preinstall_script, that you could use the –pidtosignal option instead with Munki. Here’s an example using JAMF.

P.P.P.S. Looks as if Greg Neagle has started working on integrating startosinstall into Munki “natively”—yes!





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