Tag: autopkg

  • AutoPkg recipe override inputs and updated trust info

    What can be the issue with recipe override inputs? When you make a recipe override in AutoPkg, your override will have actual overrides and also parent trust info If the parent recipe has critical changes, usually you can update the trust info, and your override should work fine. In theory, critical parts of the recipe…

  • Updates to the AutoPkgReviewAndRun.py script

    3.5 years ago, I created a script to automate running AutoPkg recipes while also verifying trust info and prompting the user to approve or deny any changes. With some prompting from some folks on the #autopkg channel of the MacAdmins Slack, I made a few changes to the script: You can now run the script…

  • Fix for VirtualBox Extension Pack postinstall script hanging in Munki

    The problem If you’ve been running the VirtualBoxExtPack.munki.recipe AutoPkg recipe, and you’ve noticed the VirtualBox Extension Pack postinstall script in Munki hanging indefinitely (30 minutes and beyond), it’s because the license hash has changed. The fix According to @jessepeterson (the maintainer of that AutoPkg recipe), the license hash doesn’t change very often, but it did…

  • AutoPkg failed: hdiutil: attach failed – no mountable file systems error

    If, when running AutoPkg, you get an error like failed: hdiutil: attach failed – no mountable file systems but you’re able to mount the .dmg manually (i.e., it’s not a corrupted download), double-check you don’t have a restrictions profile installed that requires you to authenticate when mounting disk images. That setting is pretty much useless…

  • If you update an AutoPkg parent recipe, but your override is still using old settings…

    AutoPkg has a cool feature called parent trust that allows you to create recipe overrides that store a hash of the parent recipe (instead of running the parent recipe directly), and then prevent you from running the recipe if there’s a change to the parent recipe, until you update the trust info. (I also have…

  • Using AutoPkg to distribute and test Munki 4 (or any new Munki version) in prerelease

    10 December, 2019 update: Munki 4 is now an official (not pre-) release, so the below instructions are for when the next version is in prerelease… 25 November, 2019 (original post) As of this writing, Munki 4 is in the late stages of testing (its current on release candidate 1), so if you want to…

  • AutoPkg recipe writing: things to look out for

    AutoPkg is a cool project for Mac admins (in theory, Windows admins could use it, too, and there are even a few Windows recipes). Although it’s a flexible framework that can be applied in many different ways, what it’s most useful for is automating the tedious process of going to a website, downloading a new…

  • Script AutoPkg trust verification and trust update process

    Starting with version 1, AutoPkg began evaluating trust info for recipes, so you could see what changes were made to a recipe (if changes were made) and then accept the changes if you wanted to. Here is what the typical trust verification workflow looks like. Whether running a list of recipes via script or via…

  • Automating an AutoPkg Munki import when vendors don’t package installers properly

    You may have, when using (or creating) a .munki AutoPkg recipe, come across a situation in which you run it: autopkg run -v NAMEOFITEM.munki and then get something back like this: Item NAMEOFITEM already exists in the munki repo as OLDNAMEOFITEM. even though you’re sure the item is newer than the one in the Munki…

  • When an AutoPkg recipe fails to import a .dmg

    If you ever have an AutoPkg recipe that seems to be working fine for weeks or even months and then suddenly fails with a message like this one: Error in local.munki.FileZilla: Processor: MunkiImporter: Error: creating pkginfo for /Users/USERNAME/Library/AutoPkg/Cache/local.munki.FileZilla/FileZilla.dmg failed: Could not mount /Users/USERNAME/Library/AutoPkg/Cache/local.munki.FileZilla/FileZilla.dmg! (doesn’t have to be FileZilla—could be anything), you may not see the…

  • AutoPkg and Munki with UnRarX

    AutoPkg and Munki are a great combination to keep client machines updated with the latest versions of software. UnRarX (at least as of this writing) has kind of a funky situation with AutoPkg, though. The AutoPkg download recipe is currently downloading the beta of 2.2 instead of the final release of 2.2. What makes this…

  • AutoPkg Adobe Flash Player recipes, licenses, and Munki

    13 October, 2016 update: Adobe just broke this by making the distribution page require an Adobe ID login before you can view it. Even though Flash is slowly being deprecated, people still use it. And while people still use it, Mac admins keep having to make sure their users’ Adobe Flash Player plugins are up…

  • Disable auto-updates for Firefox when deploying using Munki and AutoPkg

    Note before you begin Acknowledgements Why you should do this The actual procedure Caveat Thunderbird The CCK2 method Note before you begin If you know nothing about Munki or AutoPkg, then this page will be of little use to you. If you’re interested in a basic setup tutorial, check out the Absolute beginner’s guide to…

  • Getting Started with Munki (not monkey)

    5 April, 2018 update: This page used to have a tutorial that walked you through setting up a bunch of GUI tools to manage and keep up-to-date a Munki server. I’ve reconsidered, and I don’t think that’s the best approach for new Munki administrators to take to learning Munki. First Steps Here are a series…