If you ever have an AutoPkg recipe that seems to be working fine for weeks or even months and then suddenly fails with a message like this one:
Error in local.munki.FileZilla: Processor: MunkiImporter: Error: creating pkginfo for
/Users/USERNAME/Library/AutoPkg/Cache/local.munki.FileZilla/FileZilla.dmg failed: Could not mount
/Users/USERNAME/Library/AutoPkg/Cache/local.munki.FileZilla/FileZilla.dmg failed: Could not mount
(doesn’t have to be FileZilla—could be anything), you may not see the .dmg is mounted in Disk Utility (or even diskutil list), but you can check to see if it’s a phantom mount by seeing if it shows up in the output of
hdiutil info
If it does show up there, then run
hdiutil detach /dev/diskFILLINLOCATION
and then re-run the recipe. Should be fine after that.
Acknowledgements: Thanks to Eric Holtam for the tip—just documenting it here for anyone else who may benefit from it.
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