If you update an AutoPkg parent recipe, but your override is still using old settings…

AutoPkg has a cool feature called parent trust that allows you to create recipe overrides that store a hash of the parent recipe (instead of running the parent recipe directly), and then prevent you from running the recipe if there’s a change to the parent recipe, until you update the trust info. (I also have a script that runs a list of recipes, checks trust info, and prompts you to approve changes if there are changes.)

But you may sometimes run into a situation in which you see the changes, the changes are important (for example, the download URL has changed to a new URL), but even after you accept the changes and update the trust info in your override recipe, the recipe still keeps using the old URL.

Here’s an example: AndroidStudio SEARCH_PATTERN error.

So if you make an override for AndroidStudio: autopkg make-override AndroidStudio.munki, you should see something like this:

Those input variables are copied over from the parent recipe. But then if the parent recipe updates SEARCH_URL to be a different URL, your override will still have the old value for SEARCH_URL.

So if you see a change to a parent recipe, and your override still seems to be using the old values, check your override for input variables, and delete the ones you don't want to override.





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